Anthemis Technologies - Expert software development STM32 and RF IoT module
Anthemis Technologies offers High Level services in RTOS and embedded systems
We develop the Firmwares of 8/16/32 bits microcontrollers in C and on RTOS

Embedded system development

Development of a embedded system  is an autonomous electronic and computer system, which is dedicated to performing a set of functions, often in real time. It often has memory (RAM / ROM) and energy (limited consumption) constraints. The term embedded system refers to both hardware (electronic components) and software ( firmware or RTOS ).

embedded systems are found everywhere and are used in many fields such as connected objects , medical equipment, household appliances, aeronautics …

Anthemis Technologies, specialist in electronic design and IoT is a leader in embedded system development.

Features for embedded system development

Performance - Anthemis Technologies

Performance (speed, functional deadlines)

Fonctionnalités - Anthemis Technologies

Features and user interface UX

Optimisation des coûts de fabrication

Manufacturing cost

Système Embarqué- Anthemis Technologies - Bureau d'études électronique

energy Consumption

Connectivité Anthemis technologies

RF and Connectivity

Sécurité Anthemis technologies

Security and reliability

Embedded system development
and specifications

Several constraints can be imposed in the development of an on-board system:

  • A limited memory space: it can be limited to a few kb maximum.
  • Energy consumption : as low as possible , due to the use of autonomous sources, batteries, solar panels.
  • Temporal: the execution time of tasks is determined.

Anthemis Technologies has the multidisciplinary skills in terms of electronics , algorithms and software firmware RTOS and low level to design your on-board system .

depannage electronique

need an on-board system development?

Services offered for on-board system development

Conception de système embarqué
  • Establishment of technical specifications.
  • Development of low level drivers / drivers.
  • Implementation of IoT communications protocols
  • Development of the Process Firmware / RTOS core.
  • Development of I Complex HMs and graphics.
  • Open source development and integration for embedded systems.
  • Testing and validation: unitary, integration, system and acceptance.
  • Software porting to a new architecture & amp; platform.
  • Testing and validation: unitary, integration, system and acceptance.
  • Maintenance: software development / upgrade.

CPU and Firmware Targets


  • STM32 and Nucleo
  • MSP430 and MSPXX
  • ATMEGA and Atmel
  • IMX23 and Freescale family
  • Raspberry – Arduino – Beaggle Bone
  • ESP32 and ESP8266
  • 8056 and PIC16 PIC18 PIC32
  • DSP and inertial processors


  • C
  • C ++
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Embedded Linux and RTOS
  • Free RTOS
  • Assembler
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